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Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi (1976)

Contes animés du Vieux Japon / Es war einmal / Japanese Folklore Tales 2 / Manga Nippon Mukashibanashi 2 / Velhos Contos do Japão / まんが日本昔ばなし (1976) / まんが日本昔ばなし (1976) / まんが日本昔ばなし(第2期) / 漫画日本昔话 第二期
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An omnibus-format TV series consisting of anime adaptations of Japanese folk tales, this is one of Japan's longest-running TV series, and Group Tac's second TV series. The governing rule of the series was that the creative staff change from episode to episode. While later other anime series like Nippon Animation's Famous Works of Japanese Literature would attempt the same, none would be as long-lived or successful. The reason for rotating the staff each episode was so that each episode would have a completely different look and feel from its predecessor, and in this it was eminently successful. This is a series that is genuinely rewarding to watch, and is visually one of the richest in anime history. While this system al...

  • Type: TV
  • Date: 1976
  • Status: FINISHED
  • Duration: 25 min/ep