Originally released in Japan as a tool for learning English. Each episode tells a different story from Grimm's Fairy Tales. Episodes: • The Ugly Duckling (みにくいあひるの子) • Three Little Pigs (三びきのこぶた) • Snow White (しらゆきひめ) • Red Riding Hood (赤ずきん) • Puss in Boots (ながぐつをはいた猫) • The Little Mermaid (にんぎょひめ) • Little Black Sambo (ちびくろサンボ) • The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids (おおかみと7ひきのこやぎ) • Cinderella (シンデレラひめ) • Alibaba and Forty Thieves (アリババと40人のとうぞく) Note: In 1986, Saban Entertainment released a 5 volume set of the OVA series titled My Favorite Fairy Tales including an English redubbing and adding four shorts from Toei's World Famous Fairy Tale Ser...