Taiyou no Ko Esteban
A titokzatos aranyvárosok / As Misteriosas Cidades de Ouro / As Misteriosas Cidades do Ouro / Child of the Sun / Cities of Gold / De Mystiska Guldstäderna / De gåtfulla guldstäderna / De steden van goud / Die Geheimnisvollen Städte des Goldes / Die geheimnisvollen Städte des Goldes / Esteban / Esteban and the Seven Cities of Gold / Esteban e le misteriose città d'oro / Esteban, Child of the Sun / Esteban, a Boy from the Sun / Esteban: The Child of the Sun / Las Misteriosas Ciudades de Oro / Les Mystérieuses Cités d'Or / Les Mystérieuses Cités d`or / Les Mystérieuses Cités d’Or / Les Mystérieuses Cités d’or / Les mystérieuses cités d'or / MCoG / Taiyō no Ko Esteban / Tajemnicze Złote Miasta / Tajemnicze złote miasta / The Mysterious Cities of Gold / Тайнствените златни градове / Таємничі міста золота / Эстебан / сын Солнца / ערי הזהב הנסתרות / الأحلام الذهبية / 太陽の子エステバン
1532. Esteban (12) is a foundling from Barcelona, with a mysterious power of ordering the Sun to appear, for which he is called "Child of the Sun". Upon the death of his adoptive father, Esteban learns he was rescued as a baby from a sinking ship in the ocean. The mysterious medallion that Esteban wears since ever has a trace somewhere in the New World, probably coming from the Mysterious Cities of Gold. Esteban leaves Spain to find his parents and find out who he is. On the way he meets Zia, an Inca girl who was kidnapped from her people years back and has exactly the same medallion as him. Later on they are joined by Tao, a young Galapagos robinson, the last descendant of the Empire of Heva, an Empire said to have buil...