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Umi ga Kikoeru

A Tenger Zúgása / Aaltojen kuohu / Eu Posso Ouvir o Mar / Eu Posso Ouvir o Oceano / Flüstern des Meeres / Flüstern des Meeres – Ocean Waves / Flüstern des Meeres: Ocean Waves / I Can Hear the Sea / I can hear the ocean / Jag kan höra havet / Je peux entendre l'océan / Je peux entendre l`océan / Je peux entendre l’océan / OW / Ocean Waves / Ondas do Oceano / Ookeanilained / Posso sentire il mare / Puedo Escuchar el Mar / Puedo escuchar el mar / Si sente il mare / Szum morza / The Ocean Waves / Tu peux entendre la mer / Vandenyno Bangos / ugk / umikiko / Здесь слышен океан / Я чую море / גלי האוקיינוס / สองหัวใจ หนึ่งรักเดียว / うみきこ / 海がきこえる / 海が聞こえる / 海きこ / 海潮之聲 / 聽到海濤聲 / 바다가 들린다
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Ocean Waves is high school love story set in Kochi, Japan. Morisaki Taku and Matsuno Yutaka are best friends when a girl from Tokyo named Muto Rikako transfers to their school. Excluding herself from group activities, she’s eventually labeled a snob. Matsuno has a crush on Rikako, so it’s no surprise that he gets a little jealous when Morisaki and Rikako start spending more time together. The rumors around school get worse, but Morisaki still insists there is nothing between him and Rikako.

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