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Yama Nezumi Rocky Chuck

As Fábulas da Floresta Verde / Dieren van het Groene Woud / Fables of the Green Forest / Le favole della foresta / Les contes de la forêt verte / Peter Conttontail in The Green Forest / Peter Cottontail and Friends / Povestiri din Padurea Verde / Rocky Chuck / Rocky Chuck the Mountain Rat / Rocky Chuck the Woodchuck / Rocky und seine Freunde / rocky chuck / the Mountain Rat / Παραμύθια του Πράσινου Δάσους / סיפורי היער הירוק / الغابة الخضراء / 山ねずみ ロッキーチャック
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Various stories about a group of animals that live together in a forest. The stories are adaptations from the many children's books written by Thornton W. Burgess.

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