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City Hunter: Ai to Shukumei no Magnum

CITY HUNTER -愛と宿命のマグナム- / Chun357 / City Hunter - Amour / City Hunter - Magnum With Love And Fate / City Hunter : Amour, Destin et un Magnum 357 / City Hunter Special 1 - Amore, Destino e una 357 Magnum / City Hunter Special 1: Amore, Destino e una 357 Magnum / City Hunter der Film: Magnum with Love and Fate / City Hunter la Película: Un Magnum destinado al Amor / City Hunter le Film: Amour Destin et un Magnum 357 / City Hunter: .357 Magnum / City Hunter: A Magnum of Love's Destination / City Hunter: A Magnum of Love`s Destination / City Hunter: Amour, Destin et un Magnum 357 / City Hunter: Magnum of Love and Destiny / City Hunter: Magnum of Love and Fate / City Hunter: Magnum with Love and Fate / City Hunter: Un mágnum destinado al amor / Nicky Larson - Amour, destin et un Magnum 357 / O Caçador de Cidade - Um Magnânimo Destinado ao Amor / destin et un Magnum 357 / してぃーはんたーあいとしゅくめいのまぐなむ / シティーハンター 愛と宿命のマグナム
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A beautiful pianist comes to Tokyo for a charity concert, and City Hunter is there. But music isn`t his forte; he wants lessons in the language of love. Desperation becomes the word of the day as the bodies start dropping. A foreign dignitary is assassinated in cold blood. Secret agents scour the streets for a missing microchip. Diplomatic infighting swirls around the upcoming concert, and City Hunter is the only hope! (Source: AnimeNfo)

  • Type: MOVIE
  • Date: 1989
  • Status: FINISHED
  • Duration: 87 min/ep